After a devastating fire, an eighth-generation farmer rebuilds her family’s maple sugar farm
The Lipinskis are revitalizing and regenerating Sweet Brook Farm in Williamstown for the future
By Jocelyn Ruggiero Globe correspondent, September 14
WILLIAMSTOWN — It was a bitter 26 degrees on Feb. 25, 2019, at 8 p.m. and a steady, 25-mile-per-hour wind blew from the west. Sarah Lipinski was in an upstairs bedroom of her family’s 1850 farmhouse, putting her 2-year-old daughter to bed when her husband, Darryl Lipinski, rushed into the room. He had just received an urgent call from her stepmother, who lived with her father, Peter Phelps, a quarter mile away on the family’s 120-acre property. “Your dad’s barn is on fire!” Sarah Lipinski stood and looked out the window. “The whole sky was orange… [with] flames shooting up into the sky,” she said. Read Full Article.