6 Greens You Should Definitely Be Grilling
Memphis Barbecue Co.’s Melissa Cookston is known for her prowess cooking meat (she’s the only female barbeque grand champion in the world and has won dozens of barbeque competitions across the globe), but she had plenty to say about leafy vegetables.
Thanks to an abundant CSA share, I spent this past summer grilling heads of romaine. The result is fantastic: lovely charred greens with a touch of caramelized flavor. Wondering what other greens I should be grilling, I reached out to an expert. Memphis Barbecue Co.’s Melissa Cookston is known for her prowess cooking meat (she’s the only female barbeque grand champion in the world and has won dozens of barbeque competitions across the globe), but she had plenty to say about leafy vegetables. Her number one tip: Watch your greens carefully as they cook. “This is not something to put on the grill and walk away from,” she says, “because greens can go from almost perfect to a wilted mess in a matter of seconds.” Here is Cookston’s best advice for her six favorite greens to grill, plus a simple baste to use on any of them.